Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.

If you come across Pahang on your way to anywhere, dont forget to drop by . we'll have a lil chat over coffee and kuih raya. if you're lucky, my mom will not hesitate to cook you her famous rendang ;) wokey? 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

You're So Much Better Than Me

You're so much better than me!
You've got it all,
The perfect man, 
The best house,
The coolest car,
The cutest pets,
The most money,
The nicest parents,
The most perfect body,
You have to be hiding something,
Some kind of imperfection,
A flaw of some sort,
I'm not hiding anything,
Except from you,
Well because you are so much better than me,
Are you?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mizz Nina feat Theo Martins & Dj Fuzz (Get It Dance Remix)


She walked the path of life 
Full of joy full of fun
The path was smooth, so was life
She walked the path full of pride
And with luved ones by her side
She walked and walked full of joy full of pride.
But alas one fine day something sharp 
Pierced her feet.
The pain was such that it pierced her soul
She looked down to see what it was
All she could see was thorns and thorns
Strewn all over her path of life
She turned back to run away but could
See nothing but darkness as black as death.
She looked ahead and saw a light far away
Golden and bright
She walked ahead walked and walked
She walked the path full of thorns,
She walked the path full of pain and tears down her
Cheeks to reach the golden light of life 
To rest her feet and her soul at the alter of almighty